Find Strength In Numbers with Semi-Private Group Training

Reaching your fitness goals on your own can feel like an uphill battle. Between mustering motivation, figuring out effective workouts, and staying accountable – having support makes all the difference. That’s why at Studio Fit Chicago, our signature offering is semi-private personal training exclusively for women. Bringing together a small group with common objectives, guided by an expert trainer, creates camaraderie and produces results you can’t achieve alone. 

Train Together, Triumph Together

Women thrive when we move through challenges collectively. Research on group versus solo fitness endeavors shows that working out alongside others increases attendance, effort, and overall achievement of goals versus going it alone. Having a built-in support network showing up for the same reason helps compel you to consistently show up too. During each session, you’ll feed off one another’s energy to push through when the going gets tough. You’ll share celebrations over progress made, and lean on each other through plateaus. 

Expert Guidance Personalized for You

A skilled trainer provides the roadmap, while small group training provides the motivation. Our trainers develop customized programs calibrated to your individual fitness levels, problem areas and health conditions. No more generic plans or cookie-cutter workouts here. You’ll receive tailored guidance on proper form, technique, pacing and adjusting movements to prevent injury. Hands-on corrections and close monitoring ensures nothing compromises your safety and progress.

With up to 6 women participating at once, you receive all the one-on-one attention necessary to advance confidently. Cheer each other on through circuits focused on strength training, cardio endurance, mobility, balance and more to round out full-body fitness. Leave sessions feeling empowered, supported and proud among new friends.

Accountability On Demand

Consistency is key when transforming your health and physique. But sticking to an exercise routine with all our demands becomes difficult over time solo. Research shows that working out in groups increases attendance upwards of 80% compared to only 10-15% training alone. Having an automatic built-in support network makes accountability effortless.

When your motivation dips or priorities shift, your small group will lift you back up and inspire you to carry on. Can’t make a session? You’ll have some disappointed members missing your presence! Our trainers closely track measurements, check and log progress to keep your advancement on pace. Leave excuses and lagging commitment in the past by joining a ready-made squad that always has your back.

Journey From “Me” to “We”

Women thrive when nurtured by a community that fosters mutual growth and healing. At Studio Fit Chicago, forging meaningful bonds with those on their own health journeys completes the experience. Our semi-private personal training enables this by keeping class sizes small and consistent. You’ll build relationships beyond gym acquaintances into support circles that motivate long after sessions end.

Offer empathy when one member struggles. Celebrate proud moments as your own. Brainstorm solutions to fitness obstacles. Share stories over post-workout coffee or protein shakes. Discuss ways to make healthy habits stick at home. Exchange inspiration on mindset shifts that transform you. When women lift each other up on the path toward better health, anything feels possible.  

Join our next Galentine’s Referral Week event on 02/17/2024 @ 09:30am to meet like minded women invested in taking their fitness, nutrition and overall well being to the next level in solidarity. Our semi-private personal training groups fill up fast, so claim your spot today!


Call Studio Fit Chicago Today To Get Started With Your Training!

We would love to hear from you and discuss your goals to see if we’re the right “fit” to work together.


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